“This study is designed to set into motion a process which is thoroughly biblical and Anabaptist. The process of achieving consensus under the guidance of the Spirit of God, so powerfully used in Acts 15, requires an openness to new truths and an openness to our brothers and sisters. No doubt there were some in the early church who were not too happy when the issue of Jewish ethnicity was challenged, but leadership encouraged and guided the process. The end result was unity and growth.
“The sound research upon which this study is based is most helpful. We are not dealing with one writer’s opinions but we have the benefits of a survey of our constituency. The returns of that survey are quite impressive and invite confidence.
“I trust that all Mennonite Brethren churches will study the document prayerfully and discuss its contents in an open and brotherly way. And when a consensus is finally reached, may it be: ‘And it pleased the Holy Ghost and us.’ ”
Frank C. Peters, President Emeritus, Wilfred Laurier University, and former
moderator, Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
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