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Imagine the missional impact of a multicultural team that has been sent … people with different gifts working on church planting, peacemaking, social development, health, and education, connecting all these gifts in a coordinated way; people being one, and the world knowing Jesus.
– Cesar Garcia, General Secretary, Mennonite World Conference
This volume is both a mirror and a map. With a careful reading both of Scripture and history under the Spirit’s guidance there can emerge a map showing what paths might best be taken … Here is both information and inspiration.
– Elmer A. Martens, President Emeritus, Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
The church (in Antioch) was committed to an international vision. They had people from different backgrounds and ethnicities who brought different perspectives to their ministry … we should be working hard to raise and integrate teams from our different worlds for the same cause.
– Nzuzi Mukawa, MB Mission Team Leader, Sub-Saharan Africa
The circle is not complete until our national church bodies themselves form capacity to go beyond church planting within their cultural confines to making the leap into cross cultural mission … It’s that next step we pray and long for.
– David Wiebe, International Community of Mennonite Brethren
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